Fluid Loss Control Additives for Oil Well Cementing

Product Description :

As the aggregated molecule chain of water soluble polymer can decrease the mud cake permeability of mud slurry, G310 introduces multi-functional groups that enhance the ability of anti high temperature and anti-salt.

Performance Characteristics :

G310 is polymerized by low molecular amide and carboxyl acid.

Temperature range: 30 ~ 200℃.

Salt range: fresh to saturated water.

Solubility: soluble easily.

Dosage: 3 ~ 6% (BWOS).

Compatibility: good.

Solubility with cement: applicable for any cement classes.

Stability: free water approach zero.

Thickening time: thickening curve approach a right-angle.

Density range: any density of cement slurry system.

Retarder effect can be controlled by accelerator or early strength in low and medium temperature.

Technical indicators :

Appearanceviscous liquid
Initial consistency, Bc≤ 30.0
Mutation value of thickening curve, Bc≤ 10.0
Transition time, min≤ 40.0
Water loss, ml / 80℃, 6.9MPa, 30min≤ 150.0
Free water, ml / 80℃≤ 1.4
Compression strength, MPa / 102℃, 0.1MPa, 24h≥ 14.0


The ingredient of the cement in the table is: JiaHua G class cement, density: 1.90 g/cm³, water quality: distilled water, Dosage of G310: 5.0% (BWOC).

Packaging, storage and transportation :

Be stored in 50L plastic barrel, 50kg/plastic barrel.

Be kept away from moisture and possible damage of the packages in transportation, be stored in cool and dry situation.

Storage life time is one years

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